
Clan Rules

  1. Keep your war preference up to date at all times.

  2. Discord is required for war and CWL.

  3. Turn your war preference off when starting any hero upgrades.

  4. Th14s may upgrade pets during regular wars, but not during CWL.

  5. Donate whenever you're able—especially on battle days.

  6. 14 days of inactivity or an outdated war preference will result in a friendly invite-kick. Elders get an additional 14 day grace period.

  7. Promotions must be re-earned after leaving the clan; hopping is discouraged.

  8. Do your best to contribute a minimum of 500 points to clan games.

  9. Follow our war guidelines when participating in war, and our CWL guidelines when participating in CWL.

War Guidelines

  1. Always use both attacks.

  2. Always attack below your mirror unless everything below it is already taken care of.

  3. Bottom/middle players attack within the first 18 hours of battle day.

  4. If you're unsure about what army to use or which base to attack, ask.

  5. Check in to clan chat and Discord during war; communicate.

  6. Install the Discord app on your phone and make sure notifications are enabled for @mentions. Here's how:

  7. On preparation day, whoever can donate max troops should help fill war CCs. If you have a super troop, make sure you check for any CCs requesting that troop.

  8. It is recommended to add “for war” to your troop requests. If you see one of these requests, fill it ASAP.

CWL Guidelines

To see our CWL guidelines, join the clan and claim your village on our Discord server.

Bonus medals are distributed via a random drawing based on CWL performance and participation:

    • You get 1 entry for every star you earn.

    • If you miss an attack, you are disqualified.

    • When CWL ends, the results will be calculated here.